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Gallery - Eclectica

eclectica1 2 3 4 french antique eclectica


Sheffield Hot Water Urn

Travertine Pedestals

Sheffield Hot Water Urn

23”H x 12”W x 10”D
Price: $750

Travertine Pedestals

30"H X 12"Dia
Price: $1,850

Reclining Lion Statue

Glass Pedestals

Reclining Lion Statue

17.5” H x 31”W x 12.5”D
Price: $775

Glass Pedestals

36.5”H x 14.5” square
Price: $1,650

Yewood Sphere

Travertine Column

Yewood Sphere

14.5” H x 7” Di
Price: $375

Travertine Column

47.5" x 17" square
Price: $2,500

Carving of Leaves and flowers

19th Century Pair Architectural Columns

Carving of Leaves and flowers

16” H x 12.5” W
Price: $375

Victorian 3 Panel Decoupage Screen


Victorian 3 Panel Decoupage Screen

71.5” H x 92” W
Price: $3,200


Wooden Finial


Wooden Finial

19" H
Price: $275


Decorative Rosette Plaque


Decorative Rosette Plaque

9” Di
Price: $250


eclectica1 2 3 4 french antique eclectica